Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cole meets the OT

I would like to start off saying Cole has a wonderful Early Intervention team. I don't know what we would do without Noreen and Melissa. Noreen arranged for Cole to have a session with his OT therapist today. We had her here a couple times before on a consult but its been awhile since she was here. So today we had a consult for Ot and were able to reintroduce Cole to his OT therapist. I have to say the session went well and I got some great ideas. We are now doing the brush therapy.I don;t know if anyone else is trying this but its pretty cool. They gave us a square brush that is not rough and you use it to brush against his back, arms, hands, legs and feet. I was told to try and do this every 2 hours but of course we have yet to have time. Today we had EI, PT and then we had to run to the store. Cole decide when we got home he wanted lunch and a nap. I am hoping that tonight I might be able to get some time in tonight for this. I was also given the idea about a bean play area where I can use dry beans and hide some small toys in it. Cole played at PT with this today and loved it. So how many people have therapist that they can't imagine not having in there life? I know its weird to ask but I can't imagine not having Noreen and Melissa in Cole and my life.

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