Monday, October 15, 2012

School Year in full swing

Since my last post things have been so busy I haven't done much but make adjustments to life and just keep running. I am amazed at how well Cole adjusted to his first day of school and also proud. I worried about Cole going to school and in the end he loves it. Everyday daddy gets Cole on the bus with no fighting. He seems to like both his bus aids and we are getting great notes home.  He seems to be sitting more for class now and its following into home life. I have noticed great improvements. He follows direction better, listens most of the time, and overall looking for structure school offers. After the first 3 weeks of school I noticed his weekends were not structured enough and that he was looking for it so I am no in the process of giving him more structure. I am not a structured person so this is an adjustment for me but anything to make Cole's days better are what I will do.

I also noticed that since school went well and we had no regression that some behaviors have come back. He is back to chewing on everything. We found something like the zvibe for Cole to use but he seems to not want it. I plan to see what his OT recommends since we are back with this. He comes home with a wet blanket piece or his jacket is wet from him chewing on it. Hopefully we can get this back under control. Any suggestions are welcomed.

I also had a I hate autism moment this weekend. Cole and I spent most of Sat. visiting family. We started at one members house and ended at anthers. Normally Cole is pretty good with this arrangement since most of our family is an hour away. On our last visit Cole just seemed to be out of control and since my son is the first child in the family who has autism its a learning process for everyone. I try my best to educate and most of my family try to work with it. I have over the last few years to get parent advice or been told I have been a bad parent by people and I think with Sat. all those feelings came back up. I was offered advice and by no means was the person mean about giving it. They actually took the time to say that if they are doing something wrong to let them know. Unfortunately I am still learning what works and what doesn't. I value this person opinion in my life greatly and at that point just felt horrible. I wished Cole could have that normal childhood with out having to have me explain or educate. I started questioning my parenting skill and everything I do for Cole. I know by no means do I let him get away with being bad and try to discipline to the best of my abilities. I also know that if this person knew I was upset they would have never let me leave the house. I think it was just my weekend to be mad at the autism and needed the time to maybe find new methods with Cole. As i was writing this I started getting upset again. I know that i read about parents going through a morning period and then after that its goes from there but I think there will always be these days where i still get upset. Like everyone else he is my baby and i want nothing but the best for him.n Have you had an i hate autism moment?

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